VPL Molecular Spectroscopic Database
This is a collection of line list and absorption cross-section images for molecules of interest to the terrestrial, exoplanet and planetary science communities.


Available data in database
Available data in database 2008
Available data in literature for the visible range
Sorted by atom with alternate names
Fundamental vibrations
List of HITRAN numbers
List of HITRAN 2008

Spectral images

Small images of infrared spectra on log scale of all molecules
Images of ultraviolet cross-sections from David Crisp
Images of isotope data broken down from HITRAN 2004

Molecules with Sulfur
Molecules with a Methyl Group
Molecules with Chlorine
Molecules with Fluorine

Useful Links
GEISA Spectroscopic Database
Spectra for several surface types: US Geological Society Digital Spectral Laboratory
Spectra for a few more surfaces: ASTER Spectral Library
NIST Chemistry WebBook
National Institute of Advanced Industrial Science and Technology Integrated Spectral Data Base System for Organic Compounds
The Cologne Database for Molecular Spectroscopy CDMS
Ames Research Center Astrochemistry Lab and Infrared Spectral Database of Polycyclic Aromatic Hydrocarbons
The MPI-Mainz UV/VIS Spectral Atlas
Spitzer Tools
Institute of Environmental Physics Molecular Spectroscopy and Chemical Kinetics Group
LISA database (SCOOP)
ESTHER Instituto Superior Tecnico Gas and Plasma Radiation Database (Reference paper: Passarinho and da Silva)